Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chepu, Chiloé #2

The next day I joined the two Austrian guests for a 6-hour hike along the coast just south of the river. Don Fernando delivered us by boat to the trailhead. (Click on images to enlarge)

Chepu River

These trees drowned after the land sank as a result of the 1960 earthquake in southern Chile that measured 9 on the Richter scale, the largest earthquake ever recorded.

After one hour of walking I turned around and saw this magnificent view. The day was clear and warm. We have had remarkably wonderful weather these days.

The trail

Our destination was this beach, Playa Huevil. At low tide one can cross to the island in the background. Penguins burrow on the side facing the ocean. The tábanos (horse flies) were so aggressive that I didn’t linger as my companions did. I soon found a spot on high ground where there were few insects to interrupt my lunch. I never did see the penguins. We returned to our point of departure on the Chepu River where don Fernando met us with the outborard boat for the return home.

Click hereto view the video slide show with music

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