After our visit to Ainsworth Bay, we sailed back up the Altimirazgo Fjord to Tucker Island, a rocky few acres that is home to Imperial cormorants and Magellanic penguins. The cormorants make their nests in hollows in the rock, using seaweed and their own guano waste as nest material. Our guide says the smell is sometimes overwhelming. Strong winds this day protected us from that experience. Skuas continually fly around the area to steal eggs.
On the other side of the island is a colony of Magellanic penguins, always curious and delightful to watch.
Mario and Nadia enjoying the day
Hail was soon pelting the 10 people in our little boat, but we were having so much fun it didn't matter at all. I was having a great time.
The wind kicked up and the boatman looked worried as he mumbled "Está malo" (it's bad). We hurried back to the ship and this rainbow greeted us when we were back on board.
Next: Pía Glacier and Avenue of the Glaciers in the Beagle Channel.
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